Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Why We Have Storms

We are meant to help one another and to connect to one another. Natural disasters make us bond together as a tribe of humans.
I started charming hurricanes one year, and it was a year that was predicted to be the worst one in recorded history with several cat 5's. It turned out to be the most mild seasons we have ever had. The interesting thing is that everyone started bitching about this. When I felt the pulse of the world, I felt that people really missed the drama a really terrible storm can bring. Plus there was stuff on the news that most folks didn't think the early warning systems were functioning because no storms were showing up.
When I tapped in to Spirit, the message I got was the one I began this blog with. People need their drama. Especially if it's a natural disaster, it makes people pull together. It's sad to me that we need something on this scale to make it happen.
That being said, anyone can charm a storm. The reason why it's easy is because we are all connected. Everything is alive, whether you believe in the Big Bang Theory or that God breathed the breath of life into creation. Relating to a storm is like relating to a person. Just try it. Send it love and see what happens. Maybe a storm will not create the drama end of itself and give you rainbows instead.

How to Charm Hurricanes: 5 steps - wikiHow

How to Charm Hurricanes: 5 steps - wikiHow